Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to Support Biligualism in Early Childhood by Victoria Rodriguez Essay

How to Support Biligualism in Early Childhood by Victoria Rodriguez - Essay Example Finally the article answers important questions and addresses various issues that may arise with the parents or the teachers. I believe that apart from few lines where there is a hint of bias and faulty reasoning, the article is very well written. In these lines, the author makes use of faulty reasoning. One such place is when, with respect to the teachers and administrators, the author mentions ‘This cannot be done without ongoing and in-depth professional development’. I disagree with this point since professional development and experience is not the only thing that matters and it should not be the only criteria. Since this is children that are being dealt with, the criteria should be that the person should not only have an adequate command on both the languages but also be frank, responsible and dedicated no matter whether the person has any professional training or not. Apart from these lines, the whole article is very informative and pleasant to

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