Thursday, October 31, 2019

How do you as an Early Years leader or potential Early Years leader Essay

How do you as an Early Years leader or potential Early Years leader demonstrate effective leadership to respond to the challenge - Essay Example Effective leadership is often deemed as quite an important element that is essential in the successful accomplishment of any particular goal. Basically, people understand a leader as a person who is followed by others for his/her ideals and strong principles. Leadership is also a concept of organising people and leading them towards meeting set targets of any particular work. In every domain of the society, the role and the importance of a leader are quite significant and can hardly be ignored. Some of the major roles of leaders include leading, commanding, guiding as well as influencing people (Daly & et. al., 2004). Similar to the importance of leadership in various domains of the society, its significance in the Early Year’s sector is also considered as quite vital. It will be worth mentioning in this regard that leadership in the early years is quite different and critical as compared to their importance in other sections of the society. Contextually, it would be vital to obtain a critical understanding of the concept, approach and characteristics of leadership in the Early Years sector. A leader in the Early Year’s sector plays an imperative role to provide a right direction to the children in their early stage of life and train them towards a better future. Their role in particular involves inspiring children and teenagers with the clear and precise vision that could enable them to face the challenges and changes that will be occurring inevitably in their life will as they keep growing (Janet, 2006). This study will primarily intend to demonstrate the various aspects of effective leadership that is essential with regard to deal with the challenges and changes usually emerging in this Early Year’s sector. In the process, the discussion will also evaluate the views and theories of various studies that are associated with the aspect of Early Year’s leadership and management. The paper will also highlight some of the challenges tha t prevail in the Early Year’s leadership sector and accordingly certain strategies will be developed to deal with the same. Discussion In the recent years, extensive research has been conducted on the early years of children and the impacts of the adults that are associated with them in their beginning stage of learning. Children in this age usually follow those people who are closely in association with them in their daily activities comprising education, play and other activities, which further influences their futuristic goals and vision in life. In this regard, the people associated with the children, who include parents and teachers, have a key role to play as Early Year’s leaders. Early Years Leadership and Management- Theories and Literature Children in their early years are often observed to be reluctant to perceive themselves as leaders or managers in the near future, certainly as they lack such a complex understanding as adolescents or adults. Correspondingly , the role of the Early Year’s leaders comes into existence. Leadership in the early years mainly

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