Friday, October 18, 2019

Direct Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Direct Marketing - Essay Example This stored data may include such information about the customer that ranges from demographic information, age, gender, profession, purchase history, and personal characteristic. A plethora of companies is drastically adopting this mode of direct marketing to promote their products and services to customers. Some of the examples of such companies include banks and insurance companies as the leading entities on this direct marketing business. According to Pearson (551), direct marketing has emerged as an important tool to both buyers and marketers. The current trend shows that direct marketing is slowly turning to be web-based, and presently the internet marketing accounts for a bigger share of direct marketing. Based on the figures that were published by the interactive advertising bureau of Canada (IAB), the internet is one of the leading modes of direct marketing in Canada. In total of percentage of how direct marketing is conducted, it is thought that about 23% of advertisements d irect to customers reach to customers on a weekly basis (Pearson 552). In fact, direct marketing is drastically turning out to be the major player of marketing in most sectors of business. According to information by the IAB, it is projected that by the year 2016, direct marketing will emerge to be the number one mode of business in the world. This paper will highlight the different forms of direct marketing, and then highlight some of the ethical issues cited against this form of business. Then provide opponents of this form business. Finally, this paper will critically argue against these criticisms and show how direct marketing is ethical. Further, it will demonstrate it as a good practice that brings about more advantages to all parties involved. Direct marketing can take a myriad of forms. Direct mail marketing is one form of direct marketing that is used by both business-to-business and

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