Monday, December 16, 2019

Home Theater Systems Free Essays

The development of in-home theater surround sound speakers has evolved drastically in the past decade, turning people’s generic living areas into replicas of movie theaters. Home theater systems were initially four-channel audio systems created originally by Dolby Digital Surround systems. With the increase in technological advancements throughout the past decade, Dolby Digital has released ts highest speaker system of seven-channels. We will write a custom essay sample on Home Theater Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now At first, during the early 50’s and 60’s the movie industry found that the more channels of sound that was added, the higher enjoyment and response was given back by the audience. Therefore, as a result speakers were added behind the audience for the surrounding sounds and the left and right speakers were then used for the music. The invention of the home theater system generally relates to the reproduction of stereophonic sound. More particularly to the reproduction of the stereophonic sound associated with a video image of some sort. Images and sounds are reproduced so hat dialog is localized to the video image and ambience or surrounding sound effects are reproduced in a manner that immerses the listener or consumer in realistic or three-dimensional sound field. In previous attempts to reproduce these sounds, numerous monophonic and stereophonic sound systems have been developed in an attempt to achieve reliable sound reproduction. 1] Monophonic audio refers to the reproduction of sound through only one channel. When using monophonic audio you cannot tell which direction the sound was produced. How to cite Home Theater Systems, Papers

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